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Lot 92 Canada BABN Test Booklet & Coil "Baby Sisters" Essay in Gray-Black, 1966 Centennial Test Prints, A Very Fine Vertical Test Pair With Davac Gum, Appears Like a Coil

Lot 92 Canada BABN Test Booklet & Coil "Baby Sisters" Essay in Gray-Black, 1966 Centennial Test Prints, A Very Fine Vertical Test Pair With Davac Gum, Appears Like a Coil

A very fine vertical test pair of the gray-black Baby Sisters essay from the 1966 Centennial test prints with DAVAC gum. According to Harris there were a handful of multicolour test sheets produced by BABN and this block would have come from one of those sheets. These were the test printings conducted by BABN that led to the production of the first integral booklet, BK56, which was printed in 2 colours with the new Gobel press. However, based on the straight vertical edges, this looks like it might have been a test coil, even though BABN did not, ultimately go on to print any of the coil stamps for this issue.

Our Best estimate of the value of this pair, based on the scarcity of singles is $50.

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