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Brixton Chrome

Lot 7 Portuguese Congo SC#49-51, 56-57, 59, 1902-1911 Overprinted Issues, 6 Fine/Very Fine OG Examples, Perf 11.5, 2022 Scott Classic Cat $19.50 USD

Lot 7 Portuguese Congo SC#49-51, 56-57, 59, 1902-1911 Overprinted Issues, 6 Fine/Very Fine OG Examples, Perf 11.5, 2022 Scott Classic Cat $19.50 USD

6 fine/very fine OG examples from various 1902-1911 Overprinted issues. The stamps include the 15r brown, 25r sea green & 50r blue from the 1902 overprint issue, and the 10r light green and 15r gray green from the 1911 overprint issue, and the 2.5r gray from the 1911 overprint with thin bar and "Congo". Perf 11.5.
2022 Scott Classic Cat for mint is $19.50.

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