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Brixton Chrome

Lot 60 United Nations SC#325/389 1980-1982 Flag Issue, On Various Papers, 48 VFNH Singles, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, 2017 Scott Cat. $12.15 USD

Lot 60 United Nations SC#325/389 1980-1982 Flag Issue, On Various Papers, 48 VFNH Singles, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, 2017 Scott Cat. $12.15 USD

48 VFNH singles from the 1980-1982 Flag Issue, on various papers. The 1980 issue - all DF-fl with yellow HB fibers except for France, Hungary, Yogoslavia, Venezuela & Turkey which are DF. 1981 are all DF-fl with very sparse LF fibers except for Czechoslovakia, Kuwait, Sudan & Egypt which are DF, and Malta, Ukraine & Trinidad & Tobogo which are DF with 1-2 HB yellow fibers. The 1982 issue are all DF excet for Austria, Cape Verde & Nigeria which are DF with 1-2 yellow HB fibers. The Scott numbers range from 325 to 389, and include 325-340, 350-365, 374-389. 2017 Scott Cat. $12.15.

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