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Brixton Chrome

Lot 60 Canada #781bvar 12c Lot 60 Canada #781bvar 12c Queen Elizabeth II and 1c Bottle Gentian, 1977-1982 Floral Issue, 5 VFNH Booklet Panes, Printed on DF/DF paper, But Showing Possibly Constant Flyspeck Varieties Involving Blue Background

Lot 60 Canada #781bvar 12c Lot 60 Canada #781bvar 12c Queen Elizabeth II and 1c Bottle Gentian, 1977-1982 Floral Issue, 5 VFNH Booklet Panes, Printed on DF/DF paper, But Showing Possibly Constant Flyspeck Varieties Involving Blue Background

5 VFNH booklet panes, printed on DF/DF paper, and in the blue shade, all showing small5 VFNH booklet panes, printed on DF/DF paper, and in the blue shade, all showing small varieties involving the blue background, as follows:
•Small scratch above hair on 1/3.
•Dot above A of Canada on 2/2.
•Dot behind the bust on 1/2.
•Dot on C of Canada on 1/2
•Dot to the UL of C of Canada
All booklet panes grade 75-80. These varieties are not listed in Unitrade. Net. Est. $25.

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