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Brixton Chrome

Lot 60 Hong Kong SC#194 (SG# 187)-195 (SG# 188) 1954-1960 Queen Elizabeth II Keyplates Issue, #1 Orange/Green & $1.30 Blue/Red, 3 F/VFOG Singles, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, Estimated Value $20

Lot 60 Hong Kong SC#194 (SG# 187)-195 (SG# 188) 1954-1960 Queen Elizabeth II Keyplates Issue, #1 Orange/Green & $1.30 Blue/Red, 3 F/VFOG Singles, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, Estimated Value $20

3 F/VFOG singles from the 1954-1960 Queen Elizabeth II Keyplates Issue, #1 orange/green & $1.30 blue/red. 2017 Scott Cat $42.5. Our estimate of the value based on the condition is $20.

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