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Lot 6 Canada #198i 4c Brownish Ochre King George V, 1932 Medallion Issue, A VFNH Single With Cream Gum

Lot 6 Canada #198i 4c Brownish Ochre King George V, 1932 Medallion Issue, A VFNH Single With Cream Gum

A VFNH single of the 4c brownish ochre King George V from the 1932 Medallion Issue with cream gum.

Unitrade values this at $150. The stamp offered here grades 75 as follows:

Centering/Margins: 45/70

Paper Freshness: 5/5

Colour: 5/5

Impression: 5/5

Absence of Visible Paper Flaws: 5/5

Perforations: 10/10

Although not listed specifically by Unitrade, the stamps of this issue exist with several different gum types, as well as shade variations of every value in the set. The gum types found vary depending on whether the stamp is a wet rotary press sheet stamp, dry rotary press stamp, or a coil stamp. The wet rotary press and coil stamps usually have either cream, deep cream or yellowish cream, semi-gloss gum. This gum can have either vertical, or in the case of coils, horizontal striations, or it can be without these.

The dry rotary press sheet stamps and booklet stamps can have at least seven types of gum.

(1) Cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(2) Deep cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(3) Yellowish cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(4) Deep yellowish cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(5) Brownish cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(6) Mottled brownish cream with a semi-gloss sheen.
(7) Light cream with a satin sheen.

These differences in gum can aid in dating individual printings by comparing the gum to that found on the commemoratives of the period. Based on these comparisons:

1. Mottled brownish cream and brownish cream gums come from December 1932 and very early 1933.
2. Deep cream, cream and yellowish cream gum comes from mid to late 1933.
3. Light cream gum with the satin sheen comes from 1934 and early 1935.

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