Lot 39 Newfoundland #25 5c Brown Harp Seal, 1865 - 1868 First Cents Issue, A Fine used Single Nicely Centered, Shorter Perfs On Bottom
Lot 39 Newfoundland #25 5c Brown Harp Seal, 1865 - 1868 First Cents Issue, A Fine used Single Nicely Centered, Shorter Perfs On Bottom
A fine used single of the 5c brown Harp Seal from the 1865 - 1868 First Cents Issue nicely centered, shorter perfs on bottom.
Unitrade values this at $300. The stamp offered here grades 72 as follows:
Centering/Margins: 40/60
Paper Freshness: 5/5
Colour: 5/5
Impression: 5/5
Absence of Visible Paper Flaws: 5/5
Perforations: 2/10
Cancellation: 10/10
The First Cents Issue of Newfoundland is actually part of each of the second and third issues, as well, depending on which paper was used. The issue does present some difficulty in identification, because the so called yellowish paper is not really very yellowish, and there is more than one type of white paper, depending on when the printings are from. The firstm printings, which span the period from 1865 to 1869 are on the so called yellowish paper. However, the paper is more of a cream colour, and the best way to identify it is by the complete lack of any visible mesh, as well as the thin nature. It is a fragile paper that is very prone to tearing, and so stamps with pulled perfs, short perfs, and tears are quite common. The second printings, which cover the period from 1869 to 1873 or so are on stout, hard white paper that does show a visible mesh. Later printings from 1873 to 1876 are on a much softer white paper, and this paper is scarce on this issue. The 12c brown on soft wove is a postal re-issue from 1894, and is part of the 1894-1896 reissues of the Third Cents Issue, which comprise #29, #36, #43, #45, #47, #49, #52, and #55, as well as #57-59. It should also be noted that no gum is the norm on all early printings of this issue for all stamps except the 13c and 24c. Unitrade assigns a premium of 100% to any of the other stamps having original gum.