Lot 131 Germany - Bavaria Mi#104Ib (SC# 109a) 1m Deep Brown 1914-1915 Ludwig III Issue, Pre War Printing, Crackly Gum, A VFOG Single, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, Estimated Value $75
Lot 131 Germany - Bavaria Mi#104Ib (SC# 109a) 1m Deep Brown 1914-1915 Ludwig III Issue, Pre War Printing, Crackly Gum, A VFOG Single, Click on Listing to See ALL Pictures, Estimated Value $75
A VFOG example of the 1m deep brown from the 1914-1915 Ludwig III Issue, pre war printing, crackly gum. 2023 Michel cat. €80. Our estimate of the value based on the condition is $75.
Scott Classic does list both the peacetime printings of this issue and the wartime printings, but only lists the peacetime promtings in used condition, even though they can be distinguished in mint condition, as follows: (1) the gum on the wartime printings is thick, shiny and yellowish, or white and matte, with a brished on appearance. The gum of the peacetime printings is smooth and white, with very fine diagonal cracks on the surface. (2) the clarity of the printing is greater on the peacetime printings, and this is most noticeable in the appearance of the finer details of the design, such as the King's beard and the vertical shading lines in the spandrels. On the wartime printings these details are often blurred, but they are clear on the pre-war printings.
Authenticity of cancellations poses the same issue for these stamps, and the later issues of Bavaria, as it does for the German Inflationery issues. However, the same tests can be applied to eliminate the forged cancels and CTO's from the stamps under consideration: (1) stamps with gum are CTO. (2) Very clear Munich cancels with the same dates, or Speyer with the same dates are CTO's. (3) Generally, the ink used on genuine postmarks tends to bleed into the paper, and the cancellations will me moderately heavy compared to the CTO or forged cancels. (4) genuine cancels tend to be fairly clear and readable, without being too perfect and crisp.