Brixton Chrome

Lot 271 - One Red Box Full Of Used Great Britain Commemoratives

Lot 271 - One Red Box Full Of Used Great Britain Commemoratives

One red box packed with with about 1,200 or so 102 card-like sleeves containing used commemoratives from 1969 Christmas issue up to the mid 2000's. The stamps for the material up to the late 90's are generally complete sets, but as the catalogue values of the stamps rise above $1 per stamp in the 1990's, generally only the first 2 or 3 values of each commemorative set are represented, so that most stamps catalogue between 50c and 75c per stamp. Cancellations are mixed with a minority being heavy slogans, but overall, most are VF, and much better than what would typically be found. 

Duplication is moderate, with many cards having 4-6 stamps and maybe 20% having just two stamps each, and almost none that contain only 1 stamp. Overall on average, the cards can be reckoned as having 3.5 stamps each. 

Based on this there are approximately 4,200 stamps. At an average of 50c per stamp, on average, it is worth about $2,100. At 10% of Catalogue, a reasonable estimate of value would be about $210.  

Shipping will be about $25-$30 within Canada. 

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