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Lot 267 Canada #1164-1165as 38c Queen Elizabeth II and Parliament, 1988-1992 Mammal and Architecture Issue, A Specialized Lot of 18 VFNH Singles and 4 Stamp-Label Pairs

Lot 267 Canada #1164-1165as 38c Queen Elizabeth II and Parliament, 1988-1992 Mammal and Architecture Issue, A Specialized Lot of 18 VFNH Singles and 4 Stamp-Label Pairs

A specialized lot of VFNH singles and stamp-label pairs of the 38c Queen Elizabeth II and parliament booklet and sheet stamps on various Harrison, Slater, and Peterborough Papers. Included are:
• 38c Queen Elizabeth II sheet stamp on DF greyish/DF greyish white Harrison paper that curls horizontally and has clearly visible vertical mesh when viewed through backlighting.
• 38c Queen Elizabeth II, 3 booklet singles with different straight edges and one perf all around, all on DF/DF greyish white Slater paper.
• 38c parliament, 2 sheet stamps on DF/DF greyish white Slater paper, each a slightly different shade.
• 38c parliament, 2 sheet stamps on DF/DF and DF/LF Peterborough papers.
• 38c parliament, 4 stamp-label pairs, each with one of the two labels found in the booklets. Each set has the sky printed in a different shade.
• 38c parliament, 2 booklet stamps perforated all around, on DF/DF greyish white Slater paper, one showing a very slight misregistration of colour, so that there is a tiny gap between the edge of the design and the left frameline.
• 38c parliament, 4 booklet stamps with straight edge at left. One has a bright blue sky and three have a dull blue sky. Of those three, one shows no mesh in the paper when viewed through backlighting, while the other two do, and both differ very slightly in shade.
• 38c parliament, 2 booklet stamps and one pair with straight edge at left. One has a bright blue sky and shows clear vertical mesh in the paper when held up to backlight. The other stamp and the pair show no mesh in the paper and differ in shade.
Unitrade values these at $27. The stamps offered here grade between 75 and 84.

The Mammal and Architecture definitive issue is the subject of this week's blog post. You are encouraged to go here to find more information about the paper, shade, gum and fluorescence varieties that are described here, that are not in Unitrade. There you will find all of the information that you need in one place. That post will be published by the end of the day on Friday, December 16, 2022.

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