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Brixton Chrome

Lot 191 Canada #BK251Aa 2002 Definitive Issue, A 48c Multicolored Booklet, Sealed Cover, AP Printing On TRC Paper, HB Glossy Cover Stock, Vancouver 2010' Not An Overprint, 02025 4 Barcode Field Stock, Square Corners On Stamps

Lot 191 Canada #BK251Aa 2002 Definitive Issue, A 48c Multicolored Booklet, Sealed Cover, AP Printing On TRC Paper, HB Glossy Cover Stock, Vancouver 2010' Not An Overprint, 02025 4 Barcode Field Stock, Square Corners On Stamps

A complete 48c multicolored booklet from the 2002 Definitive Issue. Sealed cover with AP printing on TRC paper, HB glossy cover stock. vancouver 2010' not an overprint. 02025 4 barcode field stock, square corners on stamps. The 'Vancouver 2010' text is not an overprint and was printed at the same time as the stamp. Back cover has colored logo and website information. Unitrade values this booklet at $60.

The booklet offered here grades 80 as follows:

Centering/Margins: 50/70

Cover Freshness: 10/10

Condition of Cover Edges: 5/5

Freshness of the Panes: 5/5

Absence of Visible Cover Flaws or Stains: 5/5

Condition of Interleaving and Contents: 5/5

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